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Angry Beavers Season 1 Episode 6

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 22/09/17

It ran for 1. 00 episodes over 8 years, and spawned the feature film ! Azumanga Daioh Episode 1 Kissanime.

The Angry Beavers is an American animated television series created by Mitch Schauer for Nickelodeon. The series revolves around Daggett and Norbert Beaver, two young. Keep Calm and Flutter On is the tenth episode of the third season of My Little Pony Friendship.

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  2. A page for describing DethroningMoment: Western Animation. Whether it be a joke that went too far, or a moment where a character was Flanderized to.

Western Animation / Dethroning Moment. Whether it be a joke that went too far, or a moment where a character was Flanderized to unacceptable levels, or an episode is a bit too Off Model to be tolerable, there are some moments in Western Animation that probably shouldn't have aired on TV. If multiple entries are signed to the same troper the more recent one will be cut.

This is subjective and the entry is their opinion. As above, anything contesting an entry will be cut, and anything that's just contributing more can be made its own entry.

Angry Beavers Season 1 Episode 6

It only invites a flame war. We are not yelling the DMo. Ss out loud. While the opening can be considered stupid (an argument between Jimmy and Cindy whether the equator can be seen, even though most kids their age know that it's a theoretical point of reference), what did it for me was the ending, where they argue over their next problem: Cindy says that Australia is a continent, but Jimmy says it's not. What was that about Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius again? First things first, Cindy's report is about how female dinosaurs are stronger than male dinosaurs. Ok so far, there is evidence of this being truenote It's hypothesized by some paleontologists, and indeed there are animals closely related to dinosaurs, like crocodiles and birds, that have that exact sexual dimorphism, so it's not unlikely.

Angry Beavers Season 1 Episode 6

Then, she claims that the dinosaur skeleton she constructed is a Plesiosaurus. Barring the fact that Plesiosauruses aren't even dinosaurs to begin with, the.. A Plesiosaurus is well known to have a barrel shaped body, flippers, a long neck, a small head, and are purely aquatic sea creatures (or, in layman's terms, say the word . This skeleton is more or less a Velociraptor with a Parasaurolophus crest. Jimmy responds by pointing out that the model is inaccurate..

Megalosaurus. No such crest even remotely exists on Megalosaurus. Pteranodons were neither scaly nor leathery- winged, they could not and did not pick up things with their feet, they did not fly anywhere inland, they did not live at the same time as T- Rex, they did not grow that big, and their babies were absolutely not the size of ten- year- old boys. Between this.. About the only mitigating factor, from my POV at least, was that they didn't consider throwing in a 3. T- rex- gobbling Spinosaurus. Same could be said to him making a woman experience giving birth again and again and again.

Jimmy acts like a Jerkass to Carl by trying to force his disbelief of Santa onto him, since Carl actually believes in Santa. Cindy and Libby call Jimmy on this and attempt to prove Santa real as reporters. Eventually, it turns out Santa is real and Jimmy ends up screwing up and incapacitating him, which threatens Christmas. When Cindy and Libby threaten to expose this back home, which would be perfect karma for the way Jimmy's been acting all this time, he uses an invention to physically launch them out of the North Pole! And the kicker comes at the end, after Jimmy, as usual, cleans up the mess he created to start with, Santa is able to make his deliveries..

Cindy and Libby coal for trying to humiliate Jimmy! Cindy and Libby, whose only crimes were actually giving a damn about Carl's feelings and doing their reporter duty to expose what Jimmy did and give him some well- deserved humbling, are punished by Santa while Jimmy is rewarded!? This pushed Jimmy into nigh Mary Sue territory for me, and really made me empathize with Cindy. It's no wonder Jimmy pisses her off.

Jimmy should have gotten coal too for being a total jerk to Carl, and almost always being rather condescending towards everyone else around him. The premise is alright: Jimmy creates clones of himself to avoid his chores, and chaos ensues. The reason why this episode sucks is because no one noticed Jimmy's different hairstyles and voices. I mean, if they know anything about Jimmy, surely they would know that he wears his hair in a ice cream like whip, and surely they could distinguish his voice. One clone even had a frickin' mustache for Christ's sake! Jimmy is confronted by an angry mob, and they chase him away for it, and it's pretty obvious they're going to kick his ass. And they just end it there.

This angry mob also included his own grandmother. The episode where Jimmy, Sheen, and Carl go to the Bad Future where Libby rules over all thanks to Jimmy's invention. Jimmy Moron, what may I ask got you the bright idea to create something that turns whoever uses it into a dictator? I'm starting to doubt the genius in him after that and other idiotic inventions he made. After the boys unwrap/smash most of the presents, they still haven't found Jimmy's present, and it's then that they finally get the idea to ask someone where the present is (and Cindy said it was under 'Z' for . If they had just done that, Libby wouldn't have gotten mad at them and yelled at them in a rather uncomfortable scene. Even if Libby ended up not becoming a dictator because the boys destroyed the invention, they still ruined the rest of her presents, and this was at her birthday party, no less!

The Graystar song playing over this part was pretty cool, but other than that, this scene is cringeworthy. The episode was basically in a huge sense of Idiot Plot had it not been for everyone's rather crude attitude towards Jimmy just because the kid is super smart. Watch American Wedding Online Forbes more. What boggles my mind is why was this such a big deal in this episode if Jimmy has done stuff like this before?

And yet here we have Judy, Jimmy's own mom saying she wished he was normal, and then everyone in the class giving him smart just because of his intelligence impressed Miss Fowl and Willougby. And then just throw in the idea of Jimmy being . In this episode Cindy successfully pushes to get Jimmy banned from the School Science Fair because he's beaten her (and everyone) every year in the past. On the day of the science fair everyone has inventions that are rather useless, including Cindy. Jimmy has designed a machine that grinds up garbage into a clean oil substitute which his father submits for a Nobel Prize.

It all looks well for Jimmy until another kid messes up his machine and it nearly kills the science fair judges. Jimmy and Cindy instruct the others how to team up and destroy the machine and the judges decide to split First Prize among everybody whose invention helped stop Jimmy's machine, not Cindy whose invention was not used.

Jimmy reminds her that by giving the group positive direction and making sure they all help out, she can feel the reward of personal satisfaction because she knows how to get a group to work together. Needless to say she doesn't take it well because some silly lesson like that was not the shiny gold medal she wanted.

After all of the the kid who messed up Jimmy's machine in the first place is never in trouble. Also what was Cindy's invention? A machine that recycles rotten old gym socks into new sweaters, because who doesn't want a machine that can do that?

Said chipmunk asked her to put a can in her trash receptacle. And Slappy gets away with it! So remember kids, if someone asks you to do something that you don't like, feel free to turn them into insane wrecks for the heck of it! Tropers/newborncolt: You think that's bad? For me, Slappy Squirrel's big low point was the episode .

Long story short, Slappy's nemesis Walter Wolf sinks to the ultimate low in his near- century- long wave of schemes to get rid of her by faking his own death in order to make everybody start hating her for doing everything she ever did to him, including her nephew! Are you fucking kidding me?! Never mind the fact that considering Skippy's age, he was na! Not to mention the fact that this reaction is coming from somebody who has admired and looked up to his awesome aunt and seen all her old cartoons long enough so sooner or later, he'd have to look past her nemeses' schemes! I can understand everybody else, especially those attending Walter's !

That entire reason alone is why I hate this episode with a passion!