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The Theory Of Everything Full Movie Part 1

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 02/08/17

Insane Fan Theories That Make Great Movies Better: Update. According to this theory, R2- D2 must have convinced Yoda and Obi- Wan Kenobi to spare him a memory wipe, whereas C- 3. PO was not so lucky. During the 2. 0 or so years between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, the two robots travel undercover; Threepio suspects that he and R2 are affiliated with the Rebels, but unbeknownst to the golden dandypants, R2 has been in communication with the Rebel Alliance the whole time. He also never tells Threepio that he's really a tiny man in a can.

In Ro. TS, Chewie is good friends with Yoda and a high- ranking warrior during the defense of Kashyyyk. Why would a second- in- command of the Wookiee army suddenly slum it with Han Solo, a smuggling lowlife? Because Yoda- -who's holed up on his toilet planet- -needed Chewie to be his eyes and ears. The theory further states that Chewbacca convinces Han to work with Jabba the Hutt; this way Chewie can frequently visit Tatooine and keep tabs on Luke Skywalker. We further presume Chewie's other unofficial title was "Incest Cop," and he shoved Han into the mix whenever Luke and Leia capered off to play "Hide The Womp Rat."Why does it make the film better? The theory bestows the series' sidekicks with a much greater narrative dignity. It also makes Chewbacca's cameo in Revenge of the Sith something more than a totally crass reason to introduce the "Kashyyyk Resistance Fighter Chewbacca" action figure."Medals?

Hell, even the guy who directed Die Another Day believed this theory. Wait, that was the Bond movie with the invisible car, right? Fuck that guy. Marla Singer is not real. Robert Paulson is not real. Project Mayhem is not real. I know this, because Tyler knows this. Prologue Here's the problem with all the crossover theories out there: they try to mash everyone. Six degrees of separation is the idea that all living things and everything else in the world are six or fewer steps away from each other so that a chain of "a friend.

The Theory Of Everything Full Movie Part 1

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Oh, yeah, no thanks. We're good."The theory adds some fascinating subtext to the original films, and also makes the prequels, well, worth watching. Most importantly, if this theory was true, George Lucas would get some serious critical cred.

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