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Watch Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama Online Free 2016

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 27/07/17
Watch Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama Online Free 2016Watch Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama Online Free 2016

How The Jews Took The White House. How The Jews Took The White House, Goldman Sachs Articles, Jewish Bankers Articles, Obama. Nation Articles, How The Jews Took Washington. HOW THE JEWSTOOK THE WHITE HOUSEBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2.

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner& Link To Real Zionist News(SM)Support Brother Nathanael! HEREOr Send Your Contribution To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8.

Get up to the minute breaking political news and in-depth analysis on ABCNews.com. To understand the events in Charlottesville, it helps to know how the left operates. During the 2016 campaign veteran Democratic operative Scott Foval unwittingly. We are a patriot organization that believes in upholding. the united states constitution.this is.

Read political news commentary and analysis from today's most popular conservative columnists and bloggers including Ann Coulter, Thomas Sowell, Michael Barone, Hugh. Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. Before his presidency, he served in the Illinois Senate (1997–2004) and the United.

E- mail: bronathanael@yahoo. For The Best. Alternative News. CLICK: Rense. com. Here___________________________________IF OBAMA EVER CROSSES THE JEWS, an army of Jewish publishers, journalists and lobbyists will destroy him instantly. The Jews know of Obama’s alleged homosexual activities and his presidential ineligibility due to his birth in Kenya. In other words, the Jews who own America’s mainstream media, could ruin Obama in a minute. Thus, the Jewish banking elite who work closely with their synagogue buddies at ABC, NBC, and CBS, have decided FOR Obama those whom he appoints as his key advisers and those whom he confirms as heads of the institutions connected with the White House.

A key component of Obama’s rise to power is rooted in Chicago, the Jewish breeding ground of Obama’s political career. A prime Jewish patron of Obama’s political ambitions was and remains, Abner Mikva, former Chicago Congressman, Federal judge and White House counsel to Bill Clinton. Mikva is one of many influential Chicago Jews who have been among Obama’s earliest and most ardent backers.

Through their large financial contributions and influence peddling, Obama’s Chicago enablers insured for themselves both a place in his administration and political leverage serving Jewish interests. These include the following, all of whom, are inter- connected: - 1- Bettylu Klutznik Saltzman, whose father, Phillip Klutznik (d 1. President of B’nai B’rith - 2- Rahm Emanuel, former partner in Chicago’s branch of Wasserstein Investments, currently White House Chief of Staff - 3- Penny Pritzker, heiress to the Chicago- based Hyatt Hotel fortunes, now member of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board - 4- Lester Crown, Chairman of Chicago’s Crown Investments, - 5- Valerie Jarrett, former Chairman of the Chicago Stock Exchange, currently Obama’s Senior Adviser for Intergovernmental Affairs - 6- David Axelrod, founder of Axelrod & Associates which ran Obama’s senate and presidential campaigns, now Special Adviser to Obama. As listed in the publication, The Barack Book, Jews have played and continue to play a key role in propping up Obama as a puppet for Jewish interests. Also listed in The Barack Book as amongst Obama’s Chicago ‘friends’ is The Joyce Foundation, a Gentile- sounding foundation, but is actually a Jewish organization that lobbies for gun confiscation of Gentiles, funded by the Jewish billionaire, George Soros. Noted for his takeover of the Democratic party, Soros was the major financial contributor of Obama’s presidential campaign through his huge network of PACs and civic groups. SOROS & HIS LACKEYSTHERE ARE PRESENTLY 3 JEWS who have infiltrated the Obama administration, and for all practical and Jewish purposes, run the White House: George Soros, Larry Summers, and Timothy Geithner.

Born in Budapest in 1. Gyorgy Schwartz, when young Schwartz enrolled in the London School of Economics in 1. Soros so as to pass himself off as a Gentile.

In 1. 95. 6 Soros settled in NYC where he built his multi- billionaire hedge fund called the Quantum Fund. Exposed as Obama’s “money man,” Soros’s involvement with Obama’s political career began in 2. Soros fundraising for Obama’s campaign for US Senate and continued through the 2.

Presidential campaign launch with huge fundraising operations. Soros has got his bought- and- paid- for White House stooge through whom he can operate. As a Jewish manipulatorpar excellence of markets, political scenarios, and economic conditions, (Soros boasts, “I’m having a very good crisis!” with regard to his windfall profits in America’s current economic crisis), Soros is at the top of the food chain of Obama’s economic duo - Summers and Geithner - both totally under Soros’ thumb. MARCHING ORDERSSOON AFTER FOX NEWSexposed Obama as a liar in his promise for “transparency” due to his denying access to the White House Visitor List, Obama was forced against his will to release a partial list of visitors which shows Soros visiting Summers no less than 4 times. Zionist Jew, Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman of Goldman Sachs, also met both with Summers and Obama. Rev Wright & Bill Ayers were among Obama’s ’secret’ guests.

Why did Soros visit Summers, Obama’s chief economic adviser, 4 times? Let’s back up a bit. Summers was forced out of his job as President of Harvard in 2.

Out of a job and his reputation sullied, Soros, (who began courting Summers in 1. Russia), came to Summers’ rescue. Through his connections to the hedge fund, D. E. Shaw & Co, vis a vis his interlacing investments, Soros arranged for Summers to land a token high- salaried job with D. E. Shaw in 2. 00.

After granting Summers a day in the sun for a year, Soros began bringing Summers along with him to the Davos World Economic Conference and various other economic summits throughout 2. Obviously, Soros was preparing the American public for a Soros lackey in the White House, which Soros knew he would soon own through his puppet presidential candidate, Obama. Now Summers marches to the beat of his master.

Timothy Geithner is the Secretaryof the Treasury. Sunset Blvd. Full Movie Part 1 on this page. Geithner was a close aide of Summers in his stint as Treasury Secretary during the Clinton administration where Summers addressed his protege as “young Tim.”Just prior to his term as President of the NY Federal Reserve from 2. Geithner had failed to pay at least $3.

Soon after Obama nominated Geithner for Treasury, he was exposed as a tax cheat, yet the Jew- bought Congress still confirmed him. With the economy in crisis due to Jewish Wall Street finaglers, Geithner went to work to protect his synagogue buddies by appointing as his closest Treasury aides, (none of whom faced Senate confirmation), the Jewish criminals who got us into the crisis to begin with. The Jewish bankster aides appointed by Geithner include Gene Sperling, who last year took in $8. Goldman Sachs and $1. Ponzi scheme mastermind R.

Allen Stanford. Another top aide, Lee Sachs, reported more than $3 million in partnership income from Mariner Investment Group, a Wall Street hedge fund. As his chief- of- staff, Geithner chose the Goldman Sachs lobbyist, Mark Patterson, contrary to Obama’s promise (he’s a liar) that the White House would be off limits to lobbyists.

As past president of the NY Federal Reserve, which “maintains the nation’s payment systems,” Geithner knows where the trillions of Bail- out TARP dollars, (which Bernanke refuses to reveal), went. Geithner knows where the bodies are buried and that’s why he was appointed and has hired Wall Street shysters as his closest aides to PROTECT the GUILTY….

Jews, that is, Wall Street bankster Jews….___________________________________For More See: Obama ‘Czars’ - A Zionist Shadow Government. Click Here. And: Obama’s Unconstitutional ‘Czar Power Grab’ Must Be Stopped. Click Here. And: The Obama/Soros Plan To Destroy America. Click Here. And: Zionist Leaders - Modern Portraits Of Evil. Click Here. And: Obama’s Jewish- Inspired Stimulus Plan Will Not Work(See All Obama’s Jewish Advisers)Click Here. And: How Jews Control America. Click Here. And: American Jewry & The Economic Crisis.

Click Here. And: How The Jews Are Destroying America. Click Here. CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist!

Support Brother Nathanael! HEREOr Send Your Contribution To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E- mail: bronathanael@yahoo. Brother Nathanael @ November 3, 2.

Communities. Related Articles. When Donald Trump was elected, he may not have realized all the tough choices he would have to make as president. Now, he faces his toughest choice yet. He faces an issue that will decide his presidency. He faces an issue that will decide if he has a presidency or if he leaves the office in disgrace.

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